Today was a rather awesome day i can say.
I went out feeling very bloated and tired and sloppy, but came home remembering how retarded we all were.
So i woke up at 10am this morning, bathed, downloaded afew songs and went out to meet Liqian and Chongjun first. Amanda and Charlotte met earlier in the morning i guess. So while walking to 77th street, i saw zhengxiang and alexea. Omg shocked me cuz i totally didnt see or notice them. Zhengxiang was like *wavewavewavewavewave* -_-! LOL. I was blasting songs on my earphones too so, didnt really care about the surroundings. Then waited for liqian and her bro. Still havent come sian. I waited there alone. SO LONELY. Then someone tapped me from behind. DARRYLE TAN, with Jiazhen. Eh wtf shocked the 2nd time of the day -_- DAMN GL LEH I THINK. I like never do anything but he keep shooting me non stop. Wtf. Ok whatever. Liqian came shortly after awhile BUT I DIDNT SAW HER TOO EVEN THOUGH SHE'S RIGHT INFRONT OF ME AND SHE WAS ALSO WAVING LIKE ME. Wtf i swear im abit pajiao and crazy. -.- 3rd shock of the day. Then when i turned, i realised Charlotte and Amanda was already there?!!? I WAS STANDING AT THE SAME SPOT FOR SO LONG BUT I DIDNT SEE THEM!? Wtf x10000000. LOL.
Decided to go Ion first. Bought Chongjun's clothes from Uniqlo and shoes from Everlast. Then just kept walking around. Walk until leg tired. ._. Then went Wisma. Today so many people. Make me angry only. 1. DAMN HOT. HUMAN HEAT. 2. So cramped! 3. Keep kena stepped or banged. Wtf angry only. Then Chongjun like poor thing only la. When we go in girls shop he always stand outside wait. First few shops awkward only. It was the first time i saw and actually interacted with him. So yeah i just left him there waiting alone LMAO. But i suddenly got tired of shopping when we decided to go Far east. I dont like far east :( So i got no mood to shop lol.. Liqian amanda and charlotte like active shoppers only. So i just stood outside waiting, with chongjun lor.
Seriously he always give me the Simon D look. The look where Simon D got owned that kind of look. REALLY SIA, especially his mouth. & LIQIAN KEPT SAYING HE FAT. ZZZ Ya la fatter than average singapore men size BUT COMPARED TO MY BROTHER, he already okay pls. My brother can slim down like him hor, i thank heaven like what shit already. LOL. Worst part is my brother and him SAME AGE. I swear you put them together, one look like primary school kid(my bro), another look like secondary school kid.
I was damn tired man seriously. But here and there laughter always starts out of nowhere. Funny la. HAHA. Went amk to eat after that and Charlotte kept laughing at me cause she thought i was the epic joker of the day :( LOL. Reached home around 8plus, bathed and now i'm here. HAHA.
Tomorrow's study day :( Sian. Dont want leh.... Wished i can go out again.. But idk when i'll have the time again la. Gonna go do hair tomorrow. Hehe happy.
2011년 1월 22일 토요일
2011년 1월 19일 수요일
Luv @ 1st sight.
Hello people.
Another week of school is also coming to an end. LOL Actually it's only in the middle of the week. BUT HA, i just wanted to do up a post :)
1stly, i'm very disappointed in myself for not pushing myself to the max to participate in SYF. Like seriously i cried on the way home.
2ndly, the stupid time table is seriously pissing me off after 2&half weeks. Its like, i've got double period CS on Monday, then CS again on Tuesday. Math on Monday, Math again on Tuesday. Double bio on monday, and bio again on Tuesday -.-. Double MT on Tuesday, MT again on Wednesday. History on Wednesday, History AGAIN on Thursday. SS on Thursday, SS AGAINNNNN ON FRIDAY. Walao eh timetable check please Valerie Goh.
Mr Ong anyhow give all of us numbers and Me, Jonas, Andrew and Yanqun all got the number 5. So we're like a group lor. I realised everyone was seriously in a group you know. C'mon seriously what's so hard to turn to the back and look like a group? I dont quite understand Yanqun's thinking :\ She's making me quiteeeee uncomfortable cuz she's like the only girl excluding me there. If she doesnt turn, isnt it like awkward for me to turn behind alone? At some point of time, i was like AH DANG IT I SHALL JUST TURN ITS SO AWKWARD. Walao eh just be a group la whats so hard dotdotdot.
& I hate to say this but, my lazy habit is kicking back in. I seriously need to stop this nonsense and get back to work damn it shanette.
Another week of school is also coming to an end. LOL Actually it's only in the middle of the week. BUT HA, i just wanted to do up a post :)
1stly, i'm very disappointed in myself for not pushing myself to the max to participate in SYF. Like seriously i cried on the way home.
2ndly, the stupid time table is seriously pissing me off after 2&half weeks. Its like, i've got double period CS on Monday, then CS again on Tuesday. Math on Monday, Math again on Tuesday. Double bio on monday, and bio again on Tuesday -.-. Double MT on Tuesday, MT again on Wednesday. History on Wednesday, History AGAIN on Thursday. SS on Thursday, SS AGAINNNNN ON FRIDAY. Walao eh timetable check please Valerie Goh.
Mr Ong anyhow give all of us numbers and Me, Jonas, Andrew and Yanqun all got the number 5. So we're like a group lor. I realised everyone was seriously in a group you know. C'mon seriously what's so hard to turn to the back and look like a group? I dont quite understand Yanqun's thinking :\ She's making me quiteeeee uncomfortable cuz she's like the only girl excluding me there. If she doesnt turn, isnt it like awkward for me to turn behind alone? At some point of time, i was like AH DANG IT I SHALL JUST TURN ITS SO AWKWARD. Walao eh just be a group la whats so hard dotdotdot.
& I hate to say this but, my lazy habit is kicking back in. I seriously need to stop this nonsense and get back to work damn it shanette.
2011년 1월 16일 일요일
Pistanthrophobia -The Fear Of Trusting
So 2 weeks of school has gone past. 1st week, nothing much. 2nd week, alot of things. I dont know where to start from either and it'd totally bore you out if i write stuff about school. So yeah. School is basically school. & I've got one pimple out of nowhere suddenly. I BET ITS BECAUSE I DONT HAVE ENOUGH SLEEP.
Just started watching Dream High today. Ima finish up episode 3 and 4 by tonight HOPEFULLY. This is one reason why i dont like watching dramas when they first release. I've gotta keep waiting for episodes! I dont like :( I also dont like Suzy from Miss A in Dream High. She's forever annoying! A fact that cannot be denied, I DISLIKE HER. :)
Chinese New Year is nearing. I've already got an idea what i'm wearing already. I'm just lacking of 2 waistbelts and wedges/heels.
Have been having dance lessons for the past week. Dance is gonna be 3 times a week starting from this year. Wow i'm so gonna have muscles seriously. Hehehe i'm excited, because i already foresee myself with it. I eat bread everyday for breakfast/lunch. & dinner. HOW CAN I NOT SLIM DOWN YOU TELL ME! Except for weekends :\ But i control too! Hehe. I dont care slim down slim down slim down. Muscles muscles muscles.
2011년 1월 14일 금요일
I'm a replacement.
I dont care anymore. There's nothing much i can care about if you dont want to talk to me. Just know that when you actually do come and talk to me, i'll definitely be there.
I'm no longer the old Shanette. I hate childish people. I hate ahlians and ahbengs. I hate people who doesnt respect themselves. Giving your body to a guy whom you've met for like probably at most a month, or probably lesser? You're an ultimate sore loser i swear to god. I draw a line between people whom i can mix with and people whom i will NEVER WANT to mix with.
Yes it's normal for girls to talk about handsome guys once in awhile. But hearing it for too many times make me SICK. I dont need a handsome boy to brighten my mood. I dont need a random person to just tell me he likes me. I DONT NEED. I just need friends who loves and friends me for WHO I AM. Nothing else. If you cannot accept who i am, i dont know why you even befriended me in the first place. To add on to your best-friend/close-friend/good-friend/friend list? Count me out please. I would rather not be your friend.
Treasure me. If not, dont break my heart.
2011년 1월 8일 토요일
It's haunting me.
I'm so pissed off right now. Like seriously i feel that there is a need for me to post this out. But i dont know, this might be deleted right after i type my last word. It happened in so many posts. Lol.
No one understands me. I hate it when people sympatize me. I cannot stand it when people try to be close to me, gain my trust and then the next day, treat it like nothing happened. I hate how people always text me so often and yet when met in real life, pretend like i'm a piece of transparent wall. C'mon, if you claim you know me, you should know that i dont take initiatives. I know its a very bad point but yeah what can i do?
I seriously cannot explain my feelings out. I dont know how. The kind of feeling when you know your status compared to a normal friend is one level higher but you also know he/she doesnt give a damn. The kind of feeling when you know how much you yourself hate it when he/she has alot of text messages and your 1 message, doesnt make a difference. The kind of feeling when your supposed-to-be closest friend gets jealous over the smallest things. Things like me talking to a boy whom i've talked to like forever and have already stopped talking to her for awhile. Things like me being close with another friend. What the hell my life seems so screwed.
I've got so many things bottled inside i feel like i'm gonna explode anytime. Ha but you are happy hor? You got so many people to go to and you still happily treat me like transparent wall. GOOD. Just continue judging me by how i look la k. I'm already used to it. I dont care anyway. I hate how 2011 is going. It's 8th January today. ITS ONLY the 8TH of the 1ST MONTH. What is going on? I was supposed to start studying at 1pm today but someone spoilt my mood. Making me unable to concentrate till now. I've wasted 3 god damn hours. No one is willing to tell me anything about DNT. I'm so crazy right now i can scream until hillside mansion can hear me.
I dont want to stay home. I feel like home is a place where all the ugly thoughts come into mind. No one is beside me. I'm all alone. I want to study, but my bed always seduces me. I really really want to score well this coming test. I really want to go Korea. I really want to bloody prove my parents wrong. But how....... Talk is cheap... :( I want school everyday. Sigh.
When i'm always in this state, no one is ever here for me. No one... Everyone is busy with their own lives. Everyone has got their own problems, i understand... But i believe almost everyone surely has got someone whom he/she can tell his/her problems to, right? I dont. Sometimes random people just ask me if i'm ok. What for? I already grouped you under the random column. I dont trust you. So why should i tell you my problems. But those whom i expect to ask me if i'm ok, simply doesnt give a damn.
Yeah this time i'm seriously terribly upset. Sigh. Goodbye.....
No one understands me. I hate it when people sympatize me. I cannot stand it when people try to be close to me, gain my trust and then the next day, treat it like nothing happened. I hate how people always text me so often and yet when met in real life, pretend like i'm a piece of transparent wall. C'mon, if you claim you know me, you should know that i dont take initiatives. I know its a very bad point but yeah what can i do?
I seriously cannot explain my feelings out. I dont know how. The kind of feeling when you know your status compared to a normal friend is one level higher but you also know he/she doesnt give a damn. The kind of feeling when you know how much you yourself hate it when he/she has alot of text messages and your 1 message, doesnt make a difference. The kind of feeling when your supposed-to-be closest friend gets jealous over the smallest things. Things like me talking to a boy whom i've talked to like forever and have already stopped talking to her for awhile. Things like me being close with another friend. What the hell my life seems so screwed.
I've got so many things bottled inside i feel like i'm gonna explode anytime. Ha but you are happy hor? You got so many people to go to and you still happily treat me like transparent wall. GOOD. Just continue judging me by how i look la k. I'm already used to it. I dont care anyway. I hate how 2011 is going. It's 8th January today. ITS ONLY the 8TH of the 1ST MONTH. What is going on? I was supposed to start studying at 1pm today but someone spoilt my mood. Making me unable to concentrate till now. I've wasted 3 god damn hours. No one is willing to tell me anything about DNT. I'm so crazy right now i can scream until hillside mansion can hear me.
I dont want to stay home. I feel like home is a place where all the ugly thoughts come into mind. No one is beside me. I'm all alone. I want to study, but my bed always seduces me. I really really want to score well this coming test. I really want to go Korea. I really want to bloody prove my parents wrong. But how....... Talk is cheap... :( I want school everyday. Sigh.
When i'm always in this state, no one is ever here for me. No one... Everyone is busy with their own lives. Everyone has got their own problems, i understand... But i believe almost everyone surely has got someone whom he/she can tell his/her problems to, right? I dont. Sometimes random people just ask me if i'm ok. What for? I already grouped you under the random column. I dont trust you. So why should i tell you my problems. But those whom i expect to ask me if i'm ok, simply doesnt give a damn.
Yeah this time i'm seriously terribly upset. Sigh. Goodbye.....
2011년 1월 7일 금요일
Sec1 Orientation Day 2011
Heyheyhey hihihi. Today was the start of real schooling. Like we were really studying. Actually not really tho... Had Social studies for the first period and our teacher's Ms Hannah Low. Nice ah she. Haha she just did some introduction :) Then DNT was next. :( Sobs i dont know if i should be happy with my class or what. Lol, i'm still forever stucked in Mr Yeo class. Hmmm.... Dontknow la. Sometimes his "jokes" to me, are too much. I think. Plus there are only 6 sec4s(me and mates) in the class. The others all 5A students. Lol. There are 14 people in my DNT class. After that was the last period, Chemistry. Concentrated and learned stuff but dont really understand Redox 3rd&4th method. -_- Gonna revise tomorrow.
After school, ORIENTATION TIME!!! We went J8 to have lunch first... I was planning not to eat. Ugh but... everyone was eating so it was kinda... a no choice thing. LOL. Spent $5+ on food ohmygod. LOL!!! I'm trying to save money... We had a long chat @ mcdonalds. The whole clique was there except for Charlotte. Busy dating boyfriend haha. Went back to school and realised how quiet the school was. & then it strucked me. This year only have 2 exp classes and 1 na class. So yeah... that kinda explains it.
I was so bored after returning to school tho. I was totally just rotting till 5pm when we went to the hall to rehearse. GOD DAMN IT, IT WAS SO HORRIBLE I WANTED TO JUST DIG A HOLE AND HIDE MY HEAD INSIDE. Somemore so many people were around. Totally killed my mood. Went back, rested and just messed around. Bellda was super cool. Haha cant stand her la~
Dance performance was delayed for a very long time because of idk what reason. I bet all those who watched our rehearsal was thinking we'd screw this whole shit up all over again. HA DID WE PROVE YOU WRONG?! WE DID RIGHT??? LOL.
There was one thing i'm curious about tho. Joel tseng kept calling me without any reason. 1st time, dnt class. "Shanette whose class you in?" "Mr Yeooo" "Mr Low~~" -.- LOL. Then next was performance. "Shanette *Smiles*" O.O LOL decided to post it down because it suddenly flashed into my brain HAHA. Nevermind.
It was a mixed up feeling day too. But i think overall, because of the dance, it brightened my day. But you, pretended i'm transparent, continue doing that kay. I dont know you too.
2011년 1월 1일 토요일
새해 복 많이 받으세요!
Hello. I think i'm sick but i wished i could go to school on Monday instead of Tuesday. Firstly, FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL IS ALWAYS NOTHING WHAT RIGHT? So i wanna go school instead of rotting at home :(
Have been having dance for 7hours these days practicing for orientation item. I swear we're in such a fuckin mess i wished i can just dont perform. Like i think even if i dont perform no one will know anything lor -.- Zzz. It sucks being tall. Forever hiding at the back. FOR WHO TO SEE SIA. Previously when we performed All that Jazz, i was always at the right side of the stage. Now i'm always at the left already. I feel so confused at which side to enter the stage sometimes because this item needs to keep exiting and entering. DAMN. I wish i can just stay on the damn stage so i wont get confused.
Like i've said on Facebook, the past three days was tedious. My whole leg and shoulders were aching so badly. & depression kept kicking in because so many people could do proper pirouettes. AND I COULDNT. Its like fuck. I kept telling myself WTF FUCK YOU JUST TURN. Still failed. I dont know why seriously. I think i couldnt spot fast enough. Ugh whatever, forget about this fucking depression thing.
New year's eve wasnt a very good day for me. But i saw Elvin Ng and Ruien :) Totally handsome. It's like the second time seeing Elvin ng. I shouldve seriously took a photo with him when he took the same plane as me last time when i went to Thailand. GOSH SERIOUSLY HE WAS STANDING RIGHT INFRONT OF MEEEEEE. *cries* When i came back i even got so emo because of that LMAO. I'm retarded i know.
Hmmmm I REALLY JUST WANT SCHOOL TO START. Screw that stupid orientation dance. NO MATTER WHAT I'LL STILL PUT IN MY BEST. I'm just praying juniors wont screw it up. Like those slower sec1s'10. DONT WORRY RELAX. JUST DANCE.
Have been having dance for 7hours these days practicing for orientation item. I swear we're in such a fuckin mess i wished i can just dont perform. Like i think even if i dont perform no one will know anything lor -.- Zzz. It sucks being tall. Forever hiding at the back. FOR WHO TO SEE SIA. Previously when we performed All that Jazz, i was always at the right side of the stage. Now i'm always at the left already. I feel so confused at which side to enter the stage sometimes because this item needs to keep exiting and entering. DAMN. I wish i can just stay on the damn stage so i wont get confused.
Like i've said on Facebook, the past three days was tedious. My whole leg and shoulders were aching so badly. & depression kept kicking in because so many people could do proper pirouettes. AND I COULDNT. Its like fuck. I kept telling myself WTF FUCK YOU JUST TURN. Still failed. I dont know why seriously. I think i couldnt spot fast enough. Ugh whatever, forget about this fucking depression thing.
New year's eve wasnt a very good day for me. But i saw Elvin Ng and Ruien :) Totally handsome. It's like the second time seeing Elvin ng. I shouldve seriously took a photo with him when he took the same plane as me last time when i went to Thailand. GOSH SERIOUSLY HE WAS STANDING RIGHT INFRONT OF MEEEEEE. *cries* When i came back i even got so emo because of that LMAO. I'm retarded i know.
Hmmmm I REALLY JUST WANT SCHOOL TO START. Screw that stupid orientation dance. NO MATTER WHAT I'LL STILL PUT IN MY BEST. I'm just praying juniors wont screw it up. Like those slower sec1s'10. DONT WORRY RELAX. JUST DANCE.
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