I'm gonna have tuition later again. English this time round. Ugh.. It's gonna be another hell-ish 2hours. Where to find the mood to study when i know tomorrow's Christmas' Eve? Sigh every freaking christmas also so boring. If only i can follow Alexea and co tomorrow. It seems fun to me. Well at least its better than being stucked at home, entertaining people whom i dont know. Its not like my house has a swimming pool or a pool table or a karaoke room. It's so boring!!!!! This year i dont even bother looking around for gifts. I only invited my clique. I am 100% sure they wont buy gifts. Lol. I dont feel Christmas is near at all. There is not even 1/10 of my neighbourhood decorated for Christmas.
Started watched Mary Stayed Out All Night since yesterday. Now i'm at episode 10 already. 2 more episodes and i have to start waiting for the other 4 episodes to be out. I shall watch the other 2 episodes tonight. I think ep 13 & 14 will come out tonight and tomorrow. Stay tuned, to those who are watching~ :) I wanna click Funshion and watch Hello Stranger but i know my butt cannot take it man. Wished i could watch it on my phone but ...... LOL dont have.
I want to be in Korea.... I want to celebrate christmas in a cold place like Korea... I want to wear thick clothing, wear earmuffs and scarfs and beanies. I hate Singapore, alot :( I want my life to be like those in dramas. :( At least something always happens in dramas. In my life, it's dull and boring and i'm sick of this. I want to make new friends. Or at least i want to find someone whom i can hang on the phone for the whole night and wont get sick of it, someone who would text me 24/7 with all meaningful texts and not one word text messages, someone who knows where to find me when i go missing, someone who knows what i'm thinking even without me telling. Where did all the good people disappear to???????! Where!!!
I swear the tagboard is annoying me. I rather not have any comments than to have a bunch of retarded bots spamming my tagboard. Idiots sia. Last time dont have such thing. SINCE WHEN IT BECAME SO OFTEN?! Kay i dont care.
Just returned from Malaysia. I'll probably rate the trip 5/10. I'm sorry but i've been quite pissed off with my mom for quite a number of times and vice versa. Well she's my mom right? What can i do?! -.- Nothing but to admit defeat. Sometimes i swear she's in the wrong. But this is like sales. The customer is FOREVER right. -_- If my mom sees what i've posted here, i bet my entire life in that she'll definitely lecture me.
It was shopping most of the time. Mom dont allow me to buy hoodies anymore. Like wth? I like hoodies. It's my style. Even tho the weather's hot, i wear it! Cuz i wear it to shopping malls what! Shopping malls hot meh!? Walao eh. Then she rather spend money on clothes i wont wear. SHE SAID IT HERSELF. She said i'd simply waste her money cuz i wont wear it. Ugh. Things that i'd wear, she wont buy. Walao eh. What logic? She wants me to wear clothes that would definitely make me look fat. I DONT SAY I'M FAT BECAUSE I WANT PEOPLE TO SAY I'M NOT. I swear i say it because i mean it. C'MON. You have to feel comfortable with what you wear so you will have confidence right!? My mother should know that what! HEY, we're in the same kind of situation where our body is hopeless. I'm only a few sizes smaller than you. SO WHAT?! AFEW SIZES SMALLER THAN YOU IS NOT SMALL AT ALL! Compare me with my friends, i'm a fucking giant and i'm fucking depressed. Telling me to wear something that shows my fats simply kills my mood seriously. Now if anyone gets me a hoodie for christmas present, birthday present or whatever present? I'd be definitely happy. -.-
Didnt really played the theme park. Only played ONE roller coaster, lmao. Cuz those who've been to Sunway Lagoon, you know 3/4 of the theme park is a water park. & I dont want to get myself wet. I know i'd get sunburn lol. Brother and dad played in the water for awhile while i'm left alone in a corner, thinking about you know who.
After that when we went for lunch, i found wifi. Hurriedly checked my mail, and as expected, he didnt reply. WHAT SHOULD I DO TO MAKE YOU TALK TO ME?! WHAT!?!?!??! You drive me nuts sometimes seriously. Sleepless nights, huge eyebags, headaches, omg. You know, even if you said a simple "yes/no" in a message or something, I WOULD EVEN BE HAPPY. I feel like i'm tryna get a superstar to talk to me or something. WHY BE SO HARD! You're human and I AM TOO. What am i to you man? WHAT? Someone who is desperate for love?! YOU MUST BE KIDDING ME. If i were, i would have tens of boyfriends before already. Why need to wait for 2years and STILL NOT KNOW YOU!? UGH. I reallyyyyyyyyy dont understand. I REALLY DONT. Can you seriously explain!? People say i'm crazy. I KNOW I AM. But wtf can i do. I seriously dont know what the hell am i doing.
Okay lets just say you dont want to talk to me. BUT YOUR MERE PRESENCE BRINGS A SMILE TO MY FACE. You should know that. I KNOW YOU DO. So why cant you just pass by my house afew times? WHY!!!!! Gawd you're killing me. I wish someone can tell me you're on a holiday and hence you cannot excess to your mail and you havent seen my mail. I'd be so comforted even tho i know it will never happen.
Since i've already mentioned all the bad parts of the trip, let's start with the positive moments. Daddy was being the center person during the whole trip. He also knows mom was being unreasonable most of the time. He told me and brother to be more understanding because my mother can never joke around. Even if she does, its not laughable at all. It's just pure lameness. ._. Okay so yeah. He also joke around to bring the mood up. Thanks. For once he wasnt talking about studies and i'm so happy.
Spencer and daddy played pool and it was totally a joke. I laughed until my throat almost dropped out. HAHAHAHA SPENCER LA. HE KEEP HITTING THE WHITE BALL IN! If not hor, the ball confirm jump cuz he anyhow hit!!! Then the 2nd game, HE SHOOT IN THE BLACK BALL, jackpot... FIRST BALL LEH. LMAO MAN. I think he really got alot of fate with black and white.. So funny. Laugh until i die.
I'm sorry that this post is so HOT, so ANGSTY.. I know no one reads my blog anymore. I only need ONE person to read it, and thats you. I want YOU to stalk me back. WILL YOU!? No. I apologise to my mum publicly since i've written so much with such hot temper. I know i've sinned. Lord please forgive me. But sometimes i really just need to vent. I'm sorry. I've got no one to talk to. Even if i do, i know that person wont understand me at all. They are not in my position, they wont know how i feel. AT ALL. My parents CAN NEVER understand me. That's a fact. Theres an age gap. And its something we cannot change, whether my parents accept it or not. Yes they might be the closest kins to me, but they know that they dont know me 100%. So how can ANYONE else know me? Dont lie to yourself. I'm sorry, i really am. I'm not in the mood right now.
Okay hello. I'm kinda in the right mood to blog right now. Cuz the negative ions are all coming back to me. I can totally spam a whole load of questions here right now. But before that, i need to blog about our new principal first ^^
Before school ended, i got a lashing from Mr Vasu telling me how bad my results were and stuff like that. He badly wanted to see my mother and kept interrogating me like i'm a prisoner damn. ._. I told my mom that the principal wanted to see her. But she was lazy to go down *F3~* So i told her that she can go see principal when i'm having my dance camp. Hehehe... That's like end of holiday already. But sadly, the school called her up and said we have to go down to get my report slip lol.
I was dreading today, cuz i'm so afraid its Mr Vasu. He'll definitely make me feel terribly rejected. I was praying for Mr Ng or the new principal. I know Mr Ng is also kinda harsh at times but at least not as harsh as Mr Vasu. -_- LOL. Okay so it was the new principal, Mdm Valerie Goh.
I stepped into the principal's ofc, prepared for the worst of the worst LOL~! She was so motherly. I feel like she's my second mother for the few minutes that she talked to me. "In order to relieve your stress, you need to find someone to talk to. You must know how to be able to handle this level of stress. You can talk to your mother. Or me if you dont mind. even if its complaining about teachers, i wont mind." This was only a super small part of the conversation i kinda had with her. I totally expected the opposite... She made me feel very warm for that moment haha. But be caution, she said she'll be strict with attire. I mean, c'mon... It's kinda expected from a female principal. I got so pissed off with that Owl face principal in Yuying last time. TOTALLY PISS ME OFF. I really hope Mdm goh wont be as strict... One good thing was, she didnt say anything about my hair colour. So it definitely means its not obvious ^^. She told me to get haircut cuz my fringe is almost touching my eyes. & caught my skirt too... LOL... Nevermind~
I'm gonna trim my fringe a little today. It's kinda screwed and i'm unhappy with it. Totally.... ._. But i dont think i'm gonna cut my hair during CNY. :) After hair trim ima go Somerset to have Marche with mom and my brother. Reason being, Spencer hasnt ate it before and mom thinks he should try it. LOL~ Okay..
Should i start my negative post now? Yes. you need a little abit of negative ions to balance the whole post out lol~ :)
1. Come to think of it, i do not need a flawless face anymore. I just want a face that everyone thinks "Ah she's having puberty. It's alright to have afew pimples.."
2. I've found another kind of Christopher Ng (CN). Sorry to <<<< for naming him out but yeah. Since he was the only one who gave me such a bad memory in the past, i could only name him. This CN no.2, i havent met before. I dont know why he's doing in my list either. I seriously need to clear my facebook friendlist. It's annoying me. He havent met me before, AND HE KEEPS TALKING LIKE I'VE KNOWN HIM FOR YEARS. Damn it sorry but i think i know Church guy (Dont think i should say his name even though i know some of you know him.) more than him. No this is not the point. The point was, i found him telling another girl "You're my girlfriend ma~" "I like you ma~" Mushy stuff like that. -.- Hello not that i'm jealous, i'm just disgusted by these kind of people. Did you guys see my Facebook status? I'll copy it here in case you're not a friend of mine in Facebook.
"People who search for online boy/girlfriends either have no brains or are just plain desperate. I don't understand how a guy can say sweet shits to countless of girls without even meaning it. HELLO WE AIN'T TOYS YOU BISH(ES)!"
I'm sure there is nothing wrong with this sentence at all. I can say directly at those people's faces that THEY ARE TOTALLY MAJOR SORE LOSERS. If you cannot find a boyfriend/girlfriend, STAY SINGLE YOU IDIOT. Is it so hard? If you seriously need to satisfy your needs, why not go find a chicken or a duck. -.- I despise people like you.
3. Those fairytale thoughts in my mind every night is very surreal. Its so saddening to know that it wont come true and its only meant to be in my dream. It took me almost 2 years to get your ONE virtual reply. Will i have to wait another 2 years to get another reply? Ohman...
HI! Sorry for not posting lol... There was nothing much going on in my life for the past few days.. Hehe. I wanted to post now cuz i'm feeling very happy ^^ I'M JUST SO HAPPY!!!! I can seriously just flood this post with "OMG I AM SERIOUSLY SO HAPPY BECUZ OF ONE EMAIL CONSISTING OF ONLY 2 SENTENCES."
Okay i kinda understand that no one will understand what kind of STUPID situation i'm in, not even my closest friend (not like i really have one...) . Actually someone understands... Winnie! Oh man i love her. I dont really wanna explain either. One sided kind of feelings lol, for 2 years (almost..) I'm feeling so Oh Hani LOL!! & Its also a fact that he is like Kim Hyun Joong. ._. Except i dont think he's mean.. The first time i watched Playful Kiss, the first person that came into mind was him LOL. That's why i could get over with SA2.
*SMILES WIDELY* I'm still happy :D
Quit the happiness for a lil while... I...... am going to school tomorrow with mommy to get my report slip. Awman i'm dead. :( Okay i mean i feel dead. I know the principal's gonna nag at me very badly. :( What should i do? Haha.. I SERIOUSLY NEED TO ADMIT I CANNOT DO A PROPER POST IN THE KIND OF MOOD I AM IN NOW. I can only flood "I AM SO HAPPY" right now. BYE!
Sorry. I really dont feel like doing that stupid Day 1 day 2 day 3 thingy already. Totally wasting my time only. LOL.... I dont really know what to write. <- Omg i cant believe i said that sentence. ._. Okay it'd be a totally random post.
Went out with Geraldine and Liqian today. Very zibei you know. Can you imagine 2 pretty ladies beside you and you're the only one fat, the only one who looks tall when she is not really tall, the only one who feels very odd. -_- Tsktsktsk i cant believe i felt that today. I mean i havent felt such a thing in such a long time. You know why that kind of idiotic feeling suddenly came back?
Because when we were slacking in mac, a bunch of fucking ahbengs came up and asked for Geraldine's and Liqian's number. LIKE IRRITATING ONLY. 3 times you know. They kept trying you know. Not that i'm jealous. THEY ARE JUST LIKE, desperate. But it just kinda tells me that they are very pretty and i'm like the............. how do you say? People will judge me. "Aiya not that fat one la. That sexy hour glass shape girl beside the fat girl. Help me ask her number leh." This kind of thing. -.- ZZZ.
Fuck my life la. I cannot stand how Singaporean guys judge girls sia. Cb find girls to fuck only. -.- & hor, those girls who let them fuck right, STUPID UNTIL I GOT NO WORDS TO DESCRIBE THEM. Sorry i'm just very prejudiced against boys who are borned in Singapore. I know there are like a handful who are good man. But ha, it's rare. I've given up hope on SG boys. lol. I really wished my boobs was smaller........ ._. I rather be flat than big. I know i'm stupid or whatever, I DONT CARE. I want my arms to be smaller. Damn i hate myself. I DONT KNOW HOW TO LOVE MYSELF AND THATS IT.
Wow the post has turned so vulgar. Enough no matter how much i say about this bitchy matter, nothing changes. So i bought my iphone 4 yesterday. I'm happy with it LOL. Download Tango please everyone~~! It's fun~ Heheh. :D
Yesterday night, i found out from Yvonne that Wanrong commited suicide.. Hey girl do you know that commiting suicide cannot solve anything? Yes it can probably solve the fact that you do not need to go to Normal Acad but have you thought about the feelings of everyone else, especially your parents and brother?
I was terribly shocked when i heard about it. I couldnt believe that it was actually reality, really. The worst thing was, almost all knew like in the evening and i'm sure i'm one of the few who knew at 9plus in the night. I went to ask Jonas for the truth because i heard from someone else that all 3E2 students were called back to school? He told me she jumped down building... Totally felt the sharp pain. HOW COULD SHE DO IT!?!?! He called me afterwards to tell me more information. If he told me earlier that i could go pay my last respects to her earlier yesterday, i wouldve gone.. :( But when i called him, it was already 10.30! I was already in my pajamas!
Even though i'm not a close friend of hers, she still made me smile sometime in my life.
She'd show her concern to people in school who are not even close to her. She took the initiative to talk to me, to know me.
When i got back my poor bio SA2 results, she asked if i was okay because i looked like i could almost burst into tears any moment...
Sometimes if i pass by her in school, she'd always smile to me so sweetly that i cannot help but open my mouth and say Hi.
I still remember how you always walk up to me and tell me about Taemin!
Or those times during English mass lecture, when you see me day-dreaming, you'd ask me if i was thinking about Taemin with that very beautiful smile of yours.
Girl you really shouldnt have did what you did..
You should have told someone about your problems.
Someone whom you think is really trustable.
Even though the memories i've had with you isnt that much, its all memorable..
You're such a nice person, i'm sure you'll go heaven.
Please rest in peace..
I just paid my last repects to Wanrong 2hours ago... Her body's cremated already... You know, i put myself in her dad's shoes. I could feel the pain her dad was feeling. Its so heartbreaking to see such a young and bright girl decided to end her life just like that. Her parents went through so much to bring her up. Just bringing her to earth is pure pain already.... Studies is not everything..... There are many NA students outside too. Yes its very depressing to drop to NA. But end your life and make the whole world suffer? Its really very painful.... When i saw her close friends crying, i imagined if one of the 7 passed away...... Dont need to say 7. People like Charmaine, Crystal, Nathalie, Trudy, Choolin, Dominic, Jonas, Brice or whoever that i've been close with before.. The feeling's terrible.... Its like a piece of you is gone. Even though i always "i-dont-care" things, I CARE. Wanrong i really hope you dont suffer anymore on top. Really.... Its really hell to go through hell even afterlife. God Bless You <3.....
I forced myself to wake up this morning. I dreamt about heaven and hell. Wth? -_- Its damn wth i swear. Actually it was normal. I saw a white stairs to the sky. It was like......
Except no angels. I saw people queuing up to go in. I dont know i asked who or what, but the people were queuing up to ask god a question or something. I went in too but i didnt see god at all! Blame it on my curiousity, the moment i stepped into heaven, I DROPPED ALL THE WAY TO HELL. The first thing i saw, was LAVA. Super orangey red lava.
I got this from google kay. This was what i imagined. But please picture an even orangey red lava in your mind without the volcano. Its just LAVA! The next thing i felt was the heat going on in HELL. It was so hot.... Please.... i was in a state of shock to see such a pathetic place. The next thing i knew, aliens was entertaining me. When i say aliens i meant the people in hell. How they entertain me? Watch............. TV. The show is the stupid taiwan show LOVE(ai). C'mon their life is fucking pathetic. Watch one episode of ai and they call it a day. After one episode of the damn show, they say sleeping time. So i say ok lor. Then just wake up and watch another episode, they asked me, "So? Wanna sleep now or is it still early?" I WANTED TO PUNCH THEM. WTF I JUST WOKE UP. Plus their sleep right, ITS NOT EVEN A SECOND?!
Wtfuck is this dream man. I got so sick of the life after 3-4 episodes. I was like, crying away. Asking myself why the fuck am i in HELL!!!!! I tried going heaven but they said cannot! I thought of all ways to contact my brother. I COULDNT BELIEVE I CANNOT GO BACK TO EARTH. It's like, I DIDNT ACTUALLY DIE. I just went Heaven to see god(stupid but its a dream. i cannot control.) AND I COULDNT COME DOWN!?!?! Zzzzzzzzz it was so real i woke up screaming so much and heaved such a heavy relief that all was just a dream. Thank god my door is ALITTLE bit sound proof. If not uh..... spencer confirm wake up.
Okay enough of hell. Left house at 10.40 to Ion with mother. Didnt buy anything there thou. Headed to Wisma, bought things from cotton on body. I also bought a faded denim shoes(slippers,sandals IDK). Very nice!!! Hehehe. Then bought a bag from Osmose. Then went Taka. My main purpose of going taka was to surprise Andrea HAHA. I went to Chanel shop first. My mom wanna see. Saw this $4k bag. FREAKING NICE MAN~~~ The went to surprise andrea hehehe. Walked back to Ion and bought flavoured popcorn from cornery and went to somerset 313. Headed into HMV and bought 2NE1's and 2PM's album! <3 yay~ Heheheh. Then ate lunch at 3plus. LOL. Ate marche :D Hehe. Headed right home after that.
Day 06- Favorite super hero and whyFavourite super hero.......... Batman..? LOL I DONT KNOW! Batman always catches my attention. I've never watched Batman actually.. I just like how he looks. Its mysterious with that mask he always wears.. When i went Gold coast 2 years ago, there was this batman in dreamworld/movieworld who was extremely handsome. LOL okay i dont know if he's handsome. But when i looked into his eyes, his eyes communicated with me and told my mind that he was handsome. After that, i've been always looking out for batman's eyes. HAHAHA!
Alright wassup!? Nothing's up for me, Tumblr's back to normal. Just finished watching Wild Bunny. I cant believe today's Tues ONLY. Why is this week passing so slowly?! If i'm not wrong, i'm gonna get my new phone end of this week. And i'm looking forward to going KL. Shopping.. LOL. I'm a hesitating if i should trim my fringe. Cuz if i trim now, i'm not gonna cut my hair during CNY already. And if i trim now, i can go do treatment for my hair. >< So i dont know! My fringe is not very long now either. -_- I wanna trim it cuz it's kinda out of shape suddenly.
Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to
Sorry i can only post photos from Korea. Other trips i already lost all the photos... Sad right :(
This was taken in Jeju Island. The wind is extremely crazy. Thats why my mom beside me, is wrapped up like some dumbling LMAO. It's a really nice place to go to. I love it. I just simply love Korea <3
Hello guyz~ I've lots of rollercoaster feelings today.
Was very upset in the morning because my mom was nagging at me non stop about ridiculous stuff. Played with Latte for the whole morning. I realised he was ill :( He is having runnynose now. We just brought him to the vet. Love him so much <3 I was running around the whole Serangoon MRT station cuz my mother alighted me at the wrong side. Supposed to meet Heather at Circle line there. My mother go alight me at purple line. Plus its the HDB side. -.- I have to run to the Nex side, then go to the circle line. Roar. Well got the bag i bought from her already! Nice~ I'm gonna start selling things on Facebook too. I realised i've got alot of clothes that i never wore or only wore once. ._. So yeah...... Support me la, buy from me kay. I swear i'm freaking poor these days... I need money.
Mummy told me, that if i study hard next year, in MARCH she'll bring me to Korea. Cannot go so long though, BUT NEVERMIND!!! I have to visit Joyce, Jenny, SHOPPING. 4days. I'm going for 4days. Hehe. Cuz mon and tues i've got SYF.. So i cannot go. So lucky my mom's leave starts on the 16th! Yay! So happy really. This is a seriously big motivation. Last year's EOY, guess what motivated me? KIM HYUN JOONG. Playful Kiss motivated me alooooooot. Hehehehe. Okay so..... SHANETTE FIGHTING!!!!
I'm gonna edit this post later. Now, i need to go dig up clothes i never wore before and sell it off. ZAIJIAN.
Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have
I wished i wasnt so lazy. If i werent lazy, i wouldnt be so fat now. If i werent lazy, my school results wouldnt be so bad. ._. Lazy is the main cause of what i am now. There is this stupid worm in me that controls my brain. "Shanette dont need do la, go sleep." Usually only 20% of my brain rejects to what it's saying. Ugh feel so useless sometimes ha.
Okay hello people :) I went Nex today. Not very pleasant to me. Slept for almost 3hours this afternoon. I think i'm gonna turn into an owl again. I keep having sleepless nights. I feel very...... wtf. Why am i not normal. ._. Tell me he sleeps the same time as me, then i'll say i'm normal. -_- Seriously, i want to sleep early. If i sleep early, lesser pimples (It's proven.) 11pm-1am is the time where the skin idk do what. LOL i forgot what the person say already. SO YOU HAVE TO SLEEP BEFORE THAT TIME, SO YOU WONT INTERUPT WHATEVER ITS DOING! I'm serious, it works for me. ><
Sigh i wanna be as cool as CL, be as pretty as Dara, be as cute as Minji, be as bubbly as Bom. WHY CANT I?! Hah cuz no one's perfect. But i'm not even 10% perfect. I'm serious once again, i always have an aim. But i can never reach it! Like i say i want to have abs by the end of the holidays. ITS JUST PLAIN TALK. I do nothing to acheive it. Why am i like that?! That was one of the main reasons why i couldnt slept last night. I was like, "wtf shanette. you're seriously..... annoying. cant you just freaking do 100 sit ups everyday!?" After that i ended up doing 50 situps before going to bed. & I'm gonna do it again later. MUST. I think i have the "abs" shape. I kinda found out why i have such weird stomach shape LOL. A line in the center and 2 "rats" below my boobs wth. LOL. But mine's not HARD. I want it HARD. It is only hard when i "gek" it. LOL.
Lurrrrrvvvveeeeee this video. I love ALL their videos! Its got this very special uniqueness in them. Its like its so 2ne1. I love that kind of uniqueness. No copy copy. HAHA. Yay i love ALL of them! Each of them have their of specialty LOL. Its hard for a girl to actually like a girl group. So if a girl really does end up liking a girl group, it means they are really talented kay. Hehe. Ok except for lesbies i guess :\ I'm definitely not one so idk HAHA.
Even though this picture is not very clear, but you can see that the smiles on our faces are priceless right? That's what i love about this photo even though its blur.. Sorry it's only the 5 of us. Liqian and Amanda were busy playing with my phone and itouch. LOL.
In 30days time, school reopens.
In 21days time, it's Christmas Day.
In 13days time, i'll be in KL.
In around 6days time, i'll get my new iphone. (I'm happy.)
So today's a Saturday again. What have i achieved this week? I dont know. -_- Achieved Baby Latte's love i guess? Haha... The morning weather is kind of nice. Hehehe. To make it colder, i switched on 2 aircons just now. & NOW, i've got a flu LOL. So i switched it off already. Hope i go out with my mom today. I have a to-buy-list to accomplish LMAO.
Now, i need to go memorise Love Ballad's lyrics. Such a nice song. :D Brown Eyed Soul's songs are very meaningful. Go listen to some of em if you havent. :)
HELLO GUYS. Its been quite awhile since i last went to 2PM's youtube homepage. So yesterday night, i went and they were still as cute as ever la ohmygosh~
I watch this first! So kyuteeeeeeeeee *lovelovelove~* Junsu had accent when he talked to Jokwon! SO CUTE!!
I watched this after that. LOL! The Golden retriever so cute!!!! Hahahaha. Junsu was so cute as usual LMAO.
GOT WATCH THIS BEFORE!? It was quite long ago but i think i should put it up. The part where taecyeon draw the members, SO L-O-L. & Junsu said he have to eat finish his food before Chansung wakes up, ALSO DAMN FUNNY LOL. WATCH!!
Here's part 2 of the concert backstage. LOL.
& HERE'S PART3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay enough of the video spams. LOL I wanna know Junsu more. His birthday is coming in almost a month's time. LOL. Ahhhhh he's so cute la gosh~ I prefer him when he's not performing more. Welllllllz i always liked the korean stars when they are not performing. Weird right!? HAHA. They are coming to Singapore now!!!!!! :( I cannot see them ohmygosh so sad.
Day 02- The meaning behind your Tumblr name
My Tumblr name is Quixotic Dreamz. Quixotic basically means, unrealistic, foolish, nonsensical, very fairytale-like. I always have ridiculous dreams. The kind of dreams which are very unpredictable. There are times when i dreamed that i'm a close friend with idol. Unrealistic duh!? There are also times when i dreamed that i had a ultra perfect boyfriend. Foolish much? Lots of insane kinds of dreams. Most of the time, i wont dream of people i know. I do but it's really rare. So, Quixotic dreamz sounded kinda ME and cool, so i just decided to use it. :)
Hi guys. I think for the next few days i'll have NOTHING interesting at all to post about. Well, if there is, i'll post it up but for now, to keep my blog alil bit more alive, i decided to do this LOL.
Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourselfDay 02- The meaning behind your Tumblr name
Day 03- A picture of you and your friends
Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to
Day 06- Favorite super hero and why
Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why
Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days
Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends
Day 12- How you found out about Tumblr and why you made one
Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 14- A picture of you and your family
Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
Day 16- Another picture of yourself
Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have
Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them
Day 20- Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else
Day 23- Something you crave for a lot
Day 24- A letter to your parents
Day 25- What I would find in your bag
Day 26- What you think about your friends
Day 27- Why are you doing this 30 day challenge
Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Day 29- In this past month, what have you learned
Day 30- Who are you
I kinda think its rather stupid to do such things though.... ._. Ah i just want to keep my blog alive, that's all. So let's start with day 1.
So this is the most recent photo i've taken of myself. Hello~ I seldom do selcas. I dont have the look to even selfcam myself. Tsk...
Interesting facts (I dont really know what's so interesting bout myself but let's just did it a shot.) 1. I'm 15 this year but alot of people say i dont look like 15. 2. I've only had 1 real boyfriend. There is 1 of them whom i've met only once before and didnt even talked & another, i've never even seen him in my life. So it's not counted! & This has happened like 2 years ago so dont judge me. I no longer believe in cyber relationship and teenage bgrs. 3. I feel like i'm very sensitive to the sun. My skin cannot take the direct sunlight. It'll die :( 4. If there are such things as making my boobs smaller, i'd go for it. 5. I dont save money. I spend whatever i have and end up with 0dollars everytime. 6. I would always say "Let's go shopping!" & come back with only 1-2plastic/paper bags with only 1-2 clothings in them. 7. I'm 164cm tall and i'm almost overweight for my height (I think.. I never checked. But it looks like it.) 8. I dont know why but i just love stalking that one person. (J) 9. I keep grumbling about my face and weight. It just never ends. 10. I've got no real friends. I dont text anyone when i'm down. I dont call anyone to have late-night chats. I dont MSN anyone unless they talk to me first. 11. I'm very persistant in something if i really wanna do it. 12. I get angry and frustrated easily. 13. The only person who can make me smile is either Korean Pop Stars or my future boyfriend. 14. I am not a materialistic person, unlike alot of people out there. 15. I'm not double faced. I draw a clear line between us if we cannot be friends.
Okayeeeeee. I'm done with the 15 facts. Wow kinda long eh? Hope you have fun reading em :) I wont be doing anything today except to rot at home. Someone play Maple with me :( I'm only level 34 now so if you re-create an account, it wont be hard for you to catch up with me! \(^_^)/ My ign's Shanified, in Aquilla. Come play with me kay!! Heh~
Updated @ 4.40pm
HI GUYZ. I decided to check up fancams of SE7EN on 26th! Guess what!? I found clear ones and i decided to make any SE7EN fans who havent seen him that day jealous! LOL!
I WAS STANDING JUST RIGHT INFRONT OF HIM!!! Hehehehe. Does it make it even more jealous right now~?! LOL He sang this first. Followed by..........
This version is the remix i think. Okay it was remixed at the back part! Totally made the crowd high!!!!!! & He finally performed Better Together!
OHMAN!!!!! LOL~~ Actually i dont really remember if he sang Lalala or Better Together first. Well it doesnt matter! The last song was Passion!!
Yes last song and he went to take photos with the people who won the ticket or whatever. After afew minutes of thought, Better Together performed before Lalala O.O Ya that should be it.
I MISS HIM! Hahaha i was SOOOOOOOOO close man LOL.
People must have already seen Kim Hyun Joong at Tampines already right? I saw the crowd. It was so crazy. Zzzz even though i'm very upset that i didnt get the VIP tickets, but i seriously dont want to go to a free event that i have to camp over there. So stupid. KPOP night was one day that i wont want it to repeat again man. I totally camped the whole freaking day just for the 2 hours. Even though it was worth it, but hello. ._. SHINee will come Singapore again.... (I hope.)
Since next year is O's, i must NOT go too crazy over such things again. I saw on Twitter that Kim Hyun Joong might come back to Singapore next year to promote his solo album that's gonna be released next year too. So....... THAT I MUST GO. LOL. Somehow i hope it's a concert and we have to buy tickets thru Sistic. LOL. I make sure i camp infront of my computer screen 2days before. HA confirm get tickets one.
Alright i'm finally done with today's post. Goodbye shannies :)
Say Hi to Kim Hyun Joong. He's on the airplane now, on his way to Singapore. He's gonna touch down at 9plus and i wont be seeing him at the airport, Tampine's The Face Shop, nor the fanmeet. Why? Cuz i didnt get hold of the details about the fanmeet earlier. & When i found out about it, it was obviously too late. Damn... As for tomorrow, i think even if i rush all the way to Tampines to see him, i'll be like at the back or something. People always camp overnight. Fucking kiasu Singaporeans. So...... I feel sad.... :(
I've rotted the whole day at home. Currently, my right eye hurts so badly i'm tearing -_- Gosh what the hell did i do to my pathetic eye?! I feel tired because of my right sore eye. Oh & i'm going Malaysia from 17-20 dec. Ughhhhh kinda wish i could go now till that date. -_- I've got nothing going on till that day you know! Gawwddddd i'm gonna be bored to deaaaaath.
Somehow i wish i could redye my hair. Like go to the salon and do. But hello~ I still got school... I dont want to redye it back to Black. So.... No choice but to leave my hair colour as it is. The photo below is an example of the kind of hair colour that i want! No red.. Very obvious isnt it?! HAHA DUH~! LOL.
Lastly, Taemin never fails to make me smile. HAHA♥
He's so lovely, i cant stop loving him!!! <3 Lee Taemin xoxo.
Hi everyone. I'm in kind of a foul mood right now. Just because i'm in Singapore. Damn i've been bitching about this shit ever since i've came back from the Korea trip right? Cuz Korea's so nice...... Ohgosh seriously.. You never see me bitch this much when i came back from Australia, did i? I didnt and i dont remember i did. I just missed the hot guys and girls over there, that's all..
Sigh no words can describe how sad i am right now. I'm not interested in texting anyone that is on my phonebook. Full load of Negative cells coming back to me. 1. I just want flawless skin... Why cant i have it? I swear i always keep it clean. Stupid shit just doesnt go away... 2. ONE bestest friend is enough... Why cant i find her/him? 3. ONCE in my life i would like to go away on a holiday for the whole month!!!!
Sorry i wanna stop this post right now. Latte is really very poor thing. I feel like i'm gonna cry anytime. I seriously just want to put it in my room. :( Bye.
HI EVERYONE. Today was sucha bad weather day.... :( It's Andrea's birthday and all 6 of us decided to hold a "birthday party" at the beach. When we reached Sentosa express station, IT STARTED POURING SO HEAVILY. Gosh so sad :( All of us kept getting very wet... It was so disgusting... All the sand that was in my sandals, the wet hair, wet shirt... EEW MUCH?!
Charlotte was very retarded cuz she kept wanting to catch crab&fishes. We wnt Koufu to have lunch and it was kinda of an unpleasant one. -_- The food wasnt tasty at all! Damn. After that went to play with water already cuz the rain already sort of stopped. I got my pants wet. Have lots of fun WITHOUT ANDREA. Actually kinda expected, she said she didnt like beach parties or stuff. She sat down there and "emo-ed". So sad :(
After awhile rained started pouring again and we decided to head back to Vivo. When we went there, rain stopped, AGAIN. -_- God is playing on us seriously... Ah went to the big water place at vivo and played with water over there LOL. Actually Charlotte wanted to take photo. Cuz we havent took a clique photo AT ALL. So sad right HA. So yeah she was very persistant and went to ask a stranger to help us. 4 shots were taken. 2 with Polaroid, 1 with Andrea's cam and another one with my phone. The polaroid didnt turn out VERY well. Hmmm cuz i looked like my head was chopped and photoshopped in or something -_- So yeah i'm kinda happy with the one in my phone HAHA. Amanda wanted to know how it feels like to be standing with the tall ones so she stood behind. LOL!! So cute right?! I know she is. She definitely is cute HAHA.
Headed to Coffee Bean and chatted for like..... I dont remember. 30-45minutes? When it was almost 5.30, i suggested to go home and tada we went home. Ok so i actually saw...... J on the same bus as me. Well he almost missed the bus and thank god he didnt HAHA... I know he didnt know it was me. Or did he knew O.O I only know i'm unlucky and lucky. Unlucky cuz when we alighted, rain started to get heavier and then he and his friend ran home. GOSH. For once i wanted him to walk BEHIND ME so i wouldnt look like i'm stalking him -_- Damn it. Well and lucky cuz........ Its so rare for him to be on the same bus as me kay. Haha.
Reached home, drenched and OH MY GOSH DID I TELL YOU THAT I BOUGHT A NEW PUPPY? Ah if you stalked my twitter, you'd know i got the poodle. Hahahaha gosh it's so adorable! His name is Latte. LOL~ Sorry i put Mocha on twitter cuz brother couldnt decided on Mocha or Latte. Tsk obviously Latte sounds better -_-! Actually i'd prefer to call it Teddy... Or BABY~! Hahah... I'll post up a clear photo of him tomorrow or something. :D
I'm gonna start studying tomorrow. You know, if J can EVER be my tution teacher for Science, i'm sure i'll top the school. TRUST ME. I seriously wished he could tutor me for everything. C'mon, i know myself. I know he'll make me top the school. I've got the determination if HE TEACHES ME. Can't he be more friendly seriously, lol? I hate it that he likes this facebook page, "With random ppl i'm shy, with my friends im crazyy!!!!!! " Okay not like i'm any better when i'm around random people but hello~ okay i dont know what's my excuse now. HAHA let's move on.
Baby latte is being very noisy now. But he's a very good boy! When you tell him to keep quiet, HE LISTENS!! Anyway it's his first day in a new environment. Its kinda, y'know, normal to be barking all night long. Haha.
Happy birthday Andrea. I love you and you know it♥
My face is starting to become as bad as last time already. Damn wanna know why? Cuz i'm in Singapore. I seriously dont know how you guys can have flawless skin in such a bad weather. I should just stay home and on the aircon 24/7. Omg what should i do!? I dont want to have bad skin again!!!!!! :( I feel so Anti-Singapore now but i'm sorry. Even though i belong to Singapore, i dont belong to Singapore.
I'm so inspired to practice piano and guitar. Cuz of smrr00. I swear she's awesome. I should seriously add her to my People-I-Respect column. She plays the piano so extremely well. If she lives in Singapore, i seriously would pay any amount for her to teach me. I want a teacher who would let me learn ONE song to be perfect then move on to the next. My current teacher, she squeezes so many songs in a lesson that i totally dont feel like practicing. Who has a very awesome teacher to recommend to me? :(
I needa start studying already. Sigh... Already planned out what i'm gonna do during the Dec holidays. I must also meet Fion Lee this holiday. From September till now, how long is that already?! -_- HAHA. Alright, okay maybe i'll continue this post after i bathe. Now i totally wanna take a long, hot shower. I'm too dirty... LOL Singapore air is DIRTY HUMID AND HOT.
Y'know? I'm trying to be very faithful to this blog to post every single day during the holidays. Ok it's kinda impossible to believe Shanette's words but i'm trying, people. Just give me some faith, kay? :)
I need to talk about yesterday's event at Madarin Gallery! I saw SE7EN with my own bloody HD eyes!!! He is freakin' hawt. I WAS SO FREAKING CLOSE TO HIM!!!!!!!! Ah YG brought up their idols awesomely well. His English was tremendously fluent! I really cannot think of any words to say how handsome and hot he look. I totally love it when he said "HOLLA~~~" Gosh *faints*! Well i kinda know no matter how much i post y'all will go like, Uh excuse me whatever~! Ok well..... I shall just keep yesterday's happenings in my memory and wont go much details to it :) Happy now? Hahaha.
As for today, i met up with my long-time-no-see-friend, Bricetwc. We went for dance. I was being crazy on Facebook, i forgotten which day, but i just suddenly said i wanted to dance. So, we went for dance LOL. Allegra was so cool. She was wearing the NY hat i was dreaming to have for so long and i was supposed to get it when i was in Korea but sadly, its the wrong season *cries*. She was also wearing a hightop from Adidas. Doesnt look like the kind i was trying to look for when i was in Korea but..... SHE WAS STILL WEARING A HIGHTOP YEAH?! I'm so gonna look for a nice hightop through blogshops now. I dont care the price anymore. LOL. Main point: Allegra's so cool i just dont know why she is so cool. I want to be like her but it's kinda IMPOSSIBLE YO~ I should give up my dream of being a hiphop dancer and just stick to Street jazz. LOL....
After dance, i headed home myself and we, family of 4 headed to Pasir Ris to hunt for our number 5 dog. Okay actually, i thought my mom was kidding of getting a new pup. My dad was very hesistant. VERY. I havent got the pup back yet cuz i think my mom's still deciding on which pup to get. We're on a hunt for a Teacup Poodle, brown colored. Totally adorable. I went to this particular kennel there, AND I SAW THIS CHOWCHOW WHICH WAS SOOOOOOO ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!! I totally wanna pinch his/her face!!!! So small tooo!!!!! I posted the chowchow's photo on my Twitter. Check it out if you wanna know how it looks like \(^_^)/
Went over to Changi to have dinner. Chilli crab (Y) Shark's fin (Y) Hehehehehe.
Kpop issues now. Hehehe. I'm loving Taemin's hair alot now. It makes him look so handsome. HAHAHAHA I really wished he came to Singapore with his current hairstyle :( Jonghyun, Minho, Onew & Key are all looking fabulous now. HAHAHA Omg SHINee for the win. They are forever no.1 in my heart. Nothing can ever replace them, not even Alexander LOL~ I still love 2NE1 too. This is the ONLY girl group i totally love man. I mean they are so cool! They dont act cute, dont act pretty, JUST COOL. I love it. I TOTALLY LOVE IT. I want to get the 2NE1 Jacket/sweater. But it's 100bucks. Think i've gotta wait till i've got enough money first... Well if anyone is kind enough to get me for Christmas present, i'd totally give you a big teddybear hug. HEHEHE. Tweet @2NE1SG if you want the 2NE1 hoodies OR~ you wanna buy it for me, kay~? :D
I feel bad to the people around me sometimes. Firstly, i dont care about anything no matter what happens around me. I feel that theres not a need for me to care. Secondly, i dont care about drifts. C'mon if we're true friends, no matter how far apart we are, we will definitely still be able to talk when we meet. Thirdly, what i am now, is all caused by what i've encountered when i'm in Secondary 1. I feel pathetic i swear.
You know what? The main point is, I JUST DONT CARE ABOUT ANYONE OR ANYTHING AROUND ME AT ALL. I feel like i've got no heart when actually my heart is as red as pure blood. It's not that i dont want to bother. I think i've got a phobia of heartbreaks, be it friendship or relationship.
I didnt know that not having a boyfriend was a crime. Someone actually said i was inhuman cuz i couldnt find someone to love. This is Singapore. I really dont know how someone can love someone so deeply. Sorry i'm immuned to such things already. Immuned does not mean i'm INHUMAN. Its obviously 2 different things. Another person also said, that i'm too negative to feel love anymore. What the hell did i do? I merely said that teenage love cannot last. ISNT THAT TRUE? You think you'll marry the damn person that you're currently going steady with? Sorry no. Its very rare la. All those feelings you're having now, its just pure infatuation, believe it OR NOT.
I used to put 101% trust to all my friends. I'm naive. What to do? People take time to mature and grow. Sadly i've walked the longer route and then realised that i shouldnt trust anyone at all. I used to think one true best friend was enough. Seems so easy right? One friend is enough? Ha yes one friend is enough if you've found the right one who doesnt betray you, doesnt talk bad about you behind your back, doesnt tell your secrets to others and would definitely be by your side when you're feeling down. I havent found that person, unfortunately. YOU PEOPLE DONT NEED TO COMMENT ON MY TAGBOARD AND SAY, HOW ABOUT ME? HOW ABOUT ME? You know it yourself, whether you are a true friend of mine anot. Ask your own hearts okay. Dont ask me, i am not a worm thats inside you.
Sorry i've put a little bit too much emotions to this post. But yeah i really feel that i should post this up.
I'm going to see SE7EN tonight with Yvonne, Jai and Andrea. Haha andrea and yvonne won a pair of tickets for the showcase each. So yeah!! Can't wait for tonight. It's also have been sometime since i saw Yvonne.
I feel sad now. I hate Chinese songs cuz sometimes they have too much meaning to it and it makes me feel sad. Even though my Chinese is not as good as alot of you, i definitely still understand Chinese okay. Enough of Chinese back to blogging.
I feel like i've got no aim in my life. Well... It's a fact. I wake up so early every single day, but i dont know why i wake up so early for, totally... :( Are the holidays for me to put on weight because of rotting at home? You know i dont know how to express the kind of feeling i'm feeling now. I love to be left alone. But when i'm left alone for too long, i feel like DYING.
Finished watching 11 episodes of Gossip Girl already. I wanted to carry on watching on, but my mom is at home today. Dont wanna go very crazy over it. So i kinda think my plan of watching finish 2seasons in spoilt. :( Nevermind it okay. Anyway she's home cuz my mother is following my brother to school today to get his PSLE results. Ah i bet he'll get more than 230, definitely.
You know, i totally forgot that that person that i've stalked for the past year, almost 2 years now, is entering NS next year until one of his friends sort of indirectly reminded me about it. Gosh that means....... Lol nothing. I'm acting stupid over here. K bye..
Sorry but i'm missing Korea once again :( Mummy told me to transfer her the photos we took in Korea so that she can upload to her facebook. Then i saw those awesome photos again... I bet i'll slowly post all the photos up on my blog in no time... Ha...
So i've been out after 2weeks of holidays. IF you stalked my twitter, you would have known cuz you know..... My twitter is alwaaays updated. I went out with Jai and Andrea. It was so boring even though we went Orchard. SINGAPORE SUCKS~! Well still, i kinda had fun talking to them. :)
Hmmmm i think i kinda know who i'm watching Repunzel with already. BENJAMIN YEO! Its kinda weird for HIM to catch repunzel because i really cannot find any link with him and barbie dolls LOL~ Well who cares. It's been a long time since i saw him and i swear i miss him dearly. :D Plus we both wanna catch the movie. Ok at least i know i want to watch it~
Oh and recently, i stalked someone's facebook. Alright not recently. It's been more than a year now and that person finally left his email on his facebook profile. I've been wanting that stupid email for so long and now, come to think of it, i do not need it anymore. 1. He did not accept my friend request. That definitely means he doesnt want to be friends with strangers on the net. 2. Obviously he knows im a stalker and hence, even though he sort of "knew" where i came from, he would not accept the friend request. 3. Damn he knows my name. Damn my stupid email has my name. DAMN that means he wont accept my msn request right? DUH. Even an idiot knows that.
Obviously, all this comes to a conclusion. DONT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT IT :) I'll just continue my stalking and it doesnt even hurt him so he doesnt need to care. Well who knows he might be stalking me back since i'm a mysterious stalker of his and it's been a long time since i acted crazy infront of him. HA who wants to act crazy infront of him. Like c'mon~ He's just a normal human being, am i right? Haha. Okay all this shit i just said, pretend i didnt write this whole load of crap.
Next, i've finished watching 1st Season, 9 episodes of Gossip Girl. I know i still have ALOT to watch. & i'm hoping to finish everything by this holiday. Haha i know i can finish 2 seasons by the end of November. It's not so many episodes too what~
LASTLY, i really hate social websites sometimes. I hate the people who tries to make friends with you through these websites. Obviously the biggest culprit of such things is the Facebook. You stupid website. You've made me waste so many smses on a person who does not even give a damn because that stupid person and i do not. Worst thing, i bet that person is never gonna talk to me again and therefore, I'VE WASTED SO MANY OF MY MESSAGES. Damn.
Alright enough said. I'm done with my post for today.
I hate how people is so reluctant to even leave on comment on my blog for me. So pathetic. I see my pageviews and it keeps going up yet my tagboard is still empty. Damn you. Dont leave a comment behind then dont lor. -_- Hmmmphhhhh....
Alright i dont know what to do now. 1st, need to get target sheets planned out first. Parents kinda expecting me to go into a JC even if its just a Serangoon JC. -_- Ok..... Whatever i shall just get everything planned out first. 2nd. Need to pack my cupboard and take out all those unwanted clothes. My cupboard no space already.. 3rd. Did i tell you that i've restarted maple? -_- I cant believe it myself either tsk. Level 24 now. I dont understand how my brother can stay on maple for almost 24hours. You know, i only played for 5hours, in 2 days. -.-.... ITS SO BORINGGGGGG :(
I also decided to watch Gossip Girls, from the start. -_-.... LOL I really need something to kill time ah. Ok not that i've got nothing to do but i need beautiful girls to motivate myself to slim down right? & I'm a girl. I also need to see handsome guys once in awhile. Singapore is such a boys-are-all-failures country. Maybe there are SOME exceptions. But ratio 1:10000000000000000. -.-
I miss Korean food alot :( I definitely can slim down if i live in Korea. Gosh i really dont mind eating all these kind of food every single day. I just want to live in Korea.
The fun times we had........... It just passed by in a blink of an eye. Why is time always passing so fast when we're enjoying ourselves... Sigh. I want to go back Korea RIGHT NOW LA. Singapore life sucks. SUCKS. BIGTIME.
Greetings people. I really dont want to blog. Reason cuz i want the "Korea" post to be seen forever. Oh gosh i miss Korea terribly. So terrible no more words can describe how horrible i'm feeling.. I think i shall stop talking about Korea for now... (Dont know if i will stick to my words but let's just pray. :))
Actually, i wanted to write a very emotional post like 15minutes ago. But after slacking off and watching some videos here and there, i think i shall make this post a what-i-want-to-do-during-the-holidays-post. When my "feeling" of writing an emotional post is back, i promise to blog immediately.
1. I need to resume dancing immediately. I FEEL like i've gained 10pounds, lol. Believe it or not. I've just been putting on weight as each year passes. It makes me feel so sad.. Dancing partner? Anyone?
2. I need to start getting on the treadmill. Exercise....
3. I hope to at least go to Hong Kong or Malaysia this holiday. Prefer Hong kong more.. Cuz my O's are coming. I'm not going to enjoy for one whole year. Yes i've been playing for my whole life and you guys might think that working hard for 1 year is nothing. You've already said i've played my whole life. How can i suddenly become a good girl and study throughout that 1year? Somehow i think i'm not making any sense over here. OK IGNORE THIS WHOLE PART. I just want to celebrate my Christmas in HK.... :(
4. I want back my Oval-shaped face. I want back my flawless face. Not so flawless but still i dont want zit marks to be left on my face... I look like i've got LOADS of zits right? NO I DONT.... They are all ugly zit scars... How to get it out of my face....? I dont know, i'm not a goddess.. 5. Last but not least, i need to think what i want out of my f-ed up life.
I think you kinda realised that i've not put any shopping desires into my list right? Yes i dont want to go shopping. I just want to go HK right now. Even better, KOREA, AGAIN. But thats impossible since i've lived with my parents for more than a decade now and i know they will NOT bring me to the same place again right after we just came back.
However, i noticed there are lots of nice movies coming up. I havent watched alot of movies lately. The last one i watched was..... Megamind. There is this particular movie that i am very particularly interested in. You guys definitely wont know since most of you dont know me since i'm young. Like young 3-8years old. I used to love Barbie dolls alot. Especially, Barbie dolls movie. I've watched all the Barbie dolls movie you can name out. Dont mention those super new ones, i wont know lol.
You guys have watched Repunzel before, i suppose, if you loved Barbie when you were younger? I LOVED IT. I even bought the whole doll set. There was the prince, the young baby dolls, the er.... Dang i forgot what it's called. But i got the whole set cuz i love the show. I LOVE LONG HAIR, EVERYONE KNOWS THAT LOL. I used to put a towel on my head and pretended it was my hair. HAHAHA. Ok i know i'm retarded.
HEY I HAVENT GO TO THE POINT. Repunzel: A Tangled Tale is gonna be released worldwide on the 2nd Dec 2010. I'm so gonna catch it. I've watched the trailer, it's different kinda different from the original. It's more like a comedy to me o_O! Well, i think it's still worth to watch it once. Cant wait to catch it. *Smiles* If you havent caught the trailer, it's right below! Watch it alright.
I dont know if i should watch Harry Potter. I didnt watch last year's one. So if i watch this one, I somehow feel that there'd be a loophole. I didnt read the book either. Hmmm...
Firstly, i wanted to quit blogging. But come to think of it, i've got another 1 1/2 months of holidays. I definitely have the time to blog yeah? However, i dont think i'll update alot though.. I just need a space for me to write when i'm bored and stuff like that. So yeah. Secondly, i'm sick of my h-ypnotizeme blog. It's been there since sec1. ._. Gosh. Okay for blog addictors, 2years is very little. I dont need to show people i've been in the blogging "industry" for 7 years. Blogging is just a way for me to write my feelings in. I know people get caught for writing way too offensive things on a blog. Like i'll ever do that lol.
School holidays have started since 2 weeks ago. For the 1st week, I spent it in Korea; the most wonderful place i've been to. Most of you would say things leh, chey i've been there before. Or, chey not as nice as *whatever country you've been to*. Ok thats YOUR problem. I'm saying this in my point of view. I'm saying this because i've got the fate to meet such great tourguides.
I went to Korea for 8 days. In 8 days, i went to Daegu, Jeju Island, Seoul, Myeongdong. They are all wonderful places. Of course, Koreans live in Korea their whole life and they still might not have been to the whole of Korea yeah? Therefore, i really wish to go back there after my O levels. Which is like when i'm 17. I think my mom is planning to go another part of Australia again next year when i'm 16 during December, after my O levels. So yeah.... I've got to wait for 2 years till i can go back to Korea..
When i sat on this ride (Go-cart), it totally reminded me of Batam with the other 6 chicks. Memories are everywhere. Now Amanda, Liqian and Charlotte are in Taiwan suffering i guess -_- WAIT, i say they're suffering cuz Charlotte's and Liqian's facebook are always complaining how they wish they want to come back to Singapore. LOL.
Had alot of fun when i was driving this mini car. But the person in charge kept blowing the whistle on me cuz i kept speeding. Hello, like that then fun what~ I just ignored his whistles and kept going. Overtook alot of people and crashed twice. First time i dont know what happen. I think because i didnt release the accelerator. The other one cuz i felt that Eugene(someone from the tour group) was gonna crash me. I kept worrying till i overturn. Then best is he banged into me. Lucky i could still turn my way to the "main road". In anycase, it was fabulously fun. :)
I just wanted to post these 2 photos up. If only my dad was a better photographer.... I really love the road. If you were there and you're a good photographer, you will totally want to take alot of photos over here. If you dont know, the whole road is a downslope/upslope(depending if you're walking up or down la~). Very nice really. :)
We went to this apple wine making thingy. It was very nice to see how they make Apple Wine. The 2 bottles on top were given to us for free with our photos on the bottles. Its really very nice of them and i think the photos turned out quite pretty too. :)
Here's a close up of one of the photos. A little blur but the photo somehow looks like this. :)
Went to the Tangerine Farm and the tangerines were all very tasty and juicy. *Yummy~* But before eating the tangerines, we were welcomed by 4 puppies outside the gate. Adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really dont understand how they can tolerate the terribly cold weather. This is in Jeju Island. Actually it wasnt as cold. It was becuz of the wind. The wind was really very strong. I'm very fat and heavy right? I totally felt like it could blow me away. That was how strong it was. Brrrrr....
The 5 photos above were taken in Everland Theme Park. It was a very awesome place to take photos. I've taken at least 300 or more photos at that place. Haha of course i wont upload all. ^_^ You can tell by the photos itself that i totally enjoyed my time at Everland. Pretty place with pretty weather = 100% perfect.
All the animals are also in Everland Theme Park. They are REAAAAAL. Gosh cant believe i was so close with them. Ok i didnt exactly touched them but i was SOOOO CLOSE. The polar bear and Penguin and Bear is something i've never seen before real life in my entire life. LOL. So cool please.
Thats all for the photos. I've taken 800 over photos. I'm not gonna post all of em up. I'm thinking if i should post it up on Facebook. I dont feel like posting it up, lol. I know this is not a thorough post of my trip to Korea. Theres alot to write. I'm afraid tears will roll down if i flash back my memories and write. So yeah, i think i'm better off keeping it in my memory itself.
Thanks for reading if you are. Leave a comment if you have blogger. :) Haha.